Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Post!

This has been edited... Cleaned up a bit. Hopefully, some pretension has been dropped. Hopefully.

I've finally decided to actually begin publishing something I've been meaning to get around to for a while. I don't expect to write here often, but it's a place I can throw half-baked ideas in my quest for some mystery which undoubtedly is unattainable. "What unseen pen etched eternal things in the hearts of humankind, but never put them in our mind?"

Anyway, what is (are?) Landscapes:
This thing is (read: will be) a collection of short, surreal, imagistic stories. Each one is intended to be a stand-alone "image" (Pound says: "An intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time")-- an attempt to convey in words "a groan that cannot be expressed in words", or rather, the emotion which spawned that groan. All of the stories are to take place in the same surreal universe; as such, they are to be seen as related and building on each other. When I'm done, hopefully this will be a projection of a projection of a subset of some universe.

Most will be written from the first person, all narrators who are part of the universe will be named, if nowhere else, in the "labels" at the end of the post. The narrators have very pregnant(4,5) names. Also in the labels section will be a clue as to what part of the universe the image pertains to.

Also, the "meta" category contains only my own thoughts and comments on the series.


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